GREEN - NAR's Designation Course

29 Oct

Zoom - GREEN - NAR's Designation Course - 10.29.24 - 11.1.24

Zoom - GREEN - NAR's Designation Course - 10.29.24 - 11.1.24

Tuesday, October 29, 2024 to Friday, November 1, 2024
13.25 CE Hours

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Tuition: $295 members.  Through NAR's newly updated Green Designation course, the Green REsource Council provides ongoing education, resources and tools to help real estate practitioners find, understand, and market properties with green features . See how consumer demand for these homes is increasing.  Learn the distinguishing characteristics and features that make a high-performance home and how they work. The course will prepare you to provide advice and sources of information to help homeowners improve the performance of their homes - from low-cost fixes and DIY projects, to retrofitting and replacing systems, to big budget remodeling projects and new constructions. Ultimately, this course will show you how to apply green knowledge to enhance your business while also helping to create a more sustainable, healthy world. 


Dean, Matthew

Matthew Dean specializes in home energy training, auditing, modeling and program implementation. He is a senior Home Energy Score Mentor/Trainer and the chief spokesperson for the Home Performance with Energy Star Program. This industry leader has been involved in over 500 energy audits of 1 to 4-unit buildings and over 300 multifamily building QCI inspections.

Templeman, Randy

Randy Templeman, REALTOR® and highly sought-after educator changes lives by empowering agents with his ability to increase their productivity, professionalism and profits. Having been named REALTOR® of the Year by two different Boards of REALTORS®, Randy knows the business from the inside out and wakes each day with a yearning to share his expertise. His certifications and designations include ABR, AHWD, CRB, CRS, e-PRO, Green, GRI, HOMES, PMN, SRES.